If you were president right now, what would you change? (Ethiopia)

Bethel Solomon, 13, Student at Andinet International School


If I were president of my country Ethiopia right now, at this moment, I would want, given the situation in our country right now, the ethnic politics going on and the unrest that is happening, you know, with the clashes between the different ethnic groups in my country, I would want peace. Obviously that’s what everybody wants. Without peace there is no life and without life there is no fun and things like that. So what I would want to do is bring peace to my country, you know, connect people, and have them see the things that they have in common instead of the different things that separate them from one another. Because when they see that they have more in common than the things that separate them then they will know that they will need one another to survive because we’re human beings, we live in communities, we can’t live alone and we continuously need people around us. So this is what I would do for my country.


Wenn ich jetzt Präsidentin von Äthiopien wäre, würde ich selbstverständlich – im Hinblick auf die gegenwärtige Situation in unserem Land, die Unruhen, die Konflikte zwischen den verschiedenen ethnischen Gruppen – Frieden wollen. Offensichtlich möchten das alle. Ohne Frieden gibt es kein Leben und ohne Leben gibt es keine Freude, keinen Spaß und so weiter. Also ich würde meinem Land Frieden bringen, die Leute miteinander vernetzen, und ihnen die Gemeinsamkeiten, die sie miteinander teilen, aufzeigen, anstatt die Dinge, die sie voneinander trennen, zu benennen. Denn wenn die Menschen sehen, was sie gemeinsam haben, dann werden sie verstehen, dass sie einander brauchen um zu überleben. Wir sind menschliche Wesen, wir leben in Gemeinschaft und können nicht alleine leben. Wir brauchen anderen Menschen um uns herum. Also ja, genau das würde ich für mein Land tun. 


አሁን የሃገሬ የኢትዮጲያ ፕሬዚደንት ብሆን፤ በተለይ በአሁኑ ሰዓት ፤ያለውን የፖለቲካ ችግር አለመረጋጋቶች እንዲሁም በተለያዩ ብሄሮች መካከል ያለውን ግጭት ወደ ሰላም ማምጣት እፈልጋለሁ:: ሁሉም የሚፈልገው ሰላምን መሆኑ ግልፅ ነው:: ያለ ሰላም ህይወት የለም:: ደስታም አይኖርም:: ይህንን ሰላም ለማምጣት ሰዎች እርስ በርስ እንዲገናኙ : እንዲቀራረቡ ማድረግ እፈልጋለሁ:: የሚለያያቸውን ነገር ላይ ብቻ ሳይሆን አንድ የሚያደርጋቸውንም ነገር እንዲያጤኑ እፈልጋለሁ:: የጋራ እሴቶቻቸው ላይ ቢያተኩሩ አንዳቸው ለሌላቸው ህልውና አስፈላጊ እንደሆኑ ለመረዳት ይችላሉ:: የሰው ልጅ እንደመሆናችንም መጠን ተነጥለን መኖር ከባድ ስለሆነ ከሌሎች ጋር በፍቅር አብረን ብንኖር መልካም ነው ብዬ  አስባለሁ:: እናም ይሄንን ነው ማድረግ የምፈልገው::

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