Aventuras con Erick – Puebla & Cholula // Part III

Buenos días!

After a chill day in Mexico City, we packed our things together and took the metro towards the local bus terminal. We asked for 2 tickets for the next bus to Puebla, and as we were both so tired and exhausted we misunderstood the lady at the counter. We thought she said the next bus is at 2:40pm but it really was at 12:40 so we had like 10 mins before depature! But we didn’t realize it, and we sat down and complained about how we have to wait for 2 hours now and that we should’ve left earlier etc. … Then Lina looks at the ticket again and realized that the bus leaves in 5 mins and we rushed to the gate. Embarassed about our carelessness and stupidity we also almost got in the wrong bus. But hey, we made it to Puebla in the end!  For some reason, these things happen to Lina and me all the time – it must be our travel chemistry or something. At least it never gets boring with us! As we arrived in Puebla, Lina’s friend Erick picked us up at the terminal. We were planning on staying with him for 2 days and we were super grateful that he and his family were kind enough to host us. It was late afternoon already so we just walked around Cholula, a suburban town 20 mins outside of Puebla (where Erick’s family lives). We hiked up a huge hill that had this beautiful yellow colored church named  “Nuestra Señora de los Remedios”  in the center, and we enjoyed a stunning view over the whole city of Puebla and its suburbs. This is also the place where 20€ slipped out of my pocket as I got my phone out to take some photos. Oh well.  Later on we enjoyed some torillas with cheese, mushrooms and some sort of edible flower – and it was super delicious! We also tried a beverage which was just simply cacao and water and sugar of course, but it was really fluffy and yummy. We ended up watching the german movie called “Er ist wieder da” (“Look who’s back”)  with Erick and his parents. The next two days we adventured around Puebla and Cholula with Erick as our local tour guide. We visited the “Great pyramid of Cholula” , which is the largest pyramid in the world. We walked around its underground tunnels and explored the history of the site. The pyramid actually just looks like a hill because most of it is overgrown by plants. We also walked around the historic part of Puebla, which we immediately fell in love with. The buldings were all in colonial style and reminded me much of some places in Italy and France, nevertheless you still had that hearty and welcoming vibe from the mexican people with their tiny little souvenir shops and restaurants, with street vendors selling handmade goods and entertainers hosting shows in the local parks. We also had lots of good food, like ice cream made out of blue corn (I think it’s my new favorite flavor now)  and some good italian pizza, which we haven’t had in a long time! After a long day of exploring with Erick, we went back to his house in Cholula. Thank you Erick for showing us around your beautfiul home! The next day we already had to leave again, so we took the bus back to Mexico City. We arrived in the late afternoon and went back to eat the best vegan tacos  – yes, again! (because they were that  good) and just chilled out for the rest of the night. The next morning we had to meet up with all the other volunteers that were also going to our seminar, which was organized by our organization Kulturweit.

Next up: 5 day seminar in the mountains of Mexcio + more

Thank you for catching up with me!
