
Stellenausschreibung: Forschung in Äthiopien

Dear kulturweit-Alumni,

Exams passed and seminar papers submitted? Why not flying to Ethiopia and taking part in an exciting research project during your semester break? As part of World Bank’s Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP), the Frese Group of Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany) implements an action-oriented entrepreneurship training for women entrepreneurs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A comprehensive impact evaluation seeks to improve our understanding about whether and how training affects business success of growth-oriented women entrepreneurs. In the context of this research, the study “Dynamics between women entrepreneurs and their husbands in Ethiopia” aims to shed light on the husband’s and marriage’s influence on training and business success.

For the second round of the data collection, we look for a motivated candidate who would like to join our research team. The candidate will coordinate a team of Ethiopian interviewers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

We offer:

Your tasks include:

We look for:

For further information and expression of interest, please contact Kathrin Wolf (kawolf@leuphana.de).

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