
SLE – Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung | Seminare November 2013

Hier eine Ausschreibung der SLE Training für die Teilnahme an folgenden Seminaren. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit eines Stipendiums.

Call for applications: SLE TRAINING for International Development Cooperation offers two training courses on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Promotion of Resilience which will take place in Berlin in November 2013.

„Prévention des risques liés aux catastrophes (DRR), promotion de résilience et lien entre aide d’urgence, réhabilitation et développement (LARD)” (4.11.-15.11.2013, course held in FRENCH)

„Redução do Risco de Desastres (DRR), Promoção de Resiliência” (18.11.-29.11.2013, course held in PORTUGUESE)

Online application is possible from July 1st until July 31st, 2013 for scholarships as well as self-payment. Scholarships are open to non-German alumni of German in¬stitutions of higher education and post-graduate holders of a German sur-place scholarship for participants, coming from countries on the DAC-list.

Further information: http://www.sle-berlin.de/index.php/de/training/kurse.

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