Schlagwort-Archive: Brautkleid

Back to Shanghai

Ich bin erfolgreich in Shanghai angekommen, meine Lieben.

Die Hochzeit war ein voller Erfolg! Und ich durfte Brautjungfer spielen 🙂

Hier erstmal die ersten paar Eindrücke, es folgt ein Blog-Eintrag zum Thema chinesische Hochzeitsfeiern (deluxe).


Well, I decided to translate my blog entries into English, so my folks and friends who aren’t fluent in German can follow my journeys here in China as well. Please excuse my grammar and spelling.

After a long absence of 2 years, I’m finally back to Shanghai to attend my friends‘ wedding. I met the bride and groom in Hamburg during their internship year abroad.

I had the honor to take part as one of the three bride’s maids. The wedding itself was a total blast!

Have a look!


Could it be more romantic?
Bride and bride’s maids