9 to 5: melting snow in Sofia

Okay, after weeks of complaining about the winter, the snow, frozen feet and slippery roads, it seems that winter decided to say Довиждане, Goodbye. Now I’m complaining about dripping water from rooftops and wet feet, haha. No seriously, I’m looking forward to spring in Sofia. I mean: all these parks, the outdoor cafés, open air concerts and short trips.. can’t wait!

 Ларгото – The Largo

НДК парк – NDK Park

Градина Св. Кл. Охридски – St. Kliment Ohridski Garden (Sofia University)

ул. Будапеща – Budapesta Street

at work – Goethe-Institut

ran into those “constructions” in most of the streets to protect people from falling icicles

another construction in my backyard to protect residents from tripping at night

Свети Александър Невски – Alexander Nevski Cathedral

again Ларгото – The Largo

Градина Кристал – Krystal Garden

Дианабад – Dianabad

Valentine’s Day

Оборище – Oborishte


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