PLACES: first impressions of Sofia

The pictures and sounds are quite incoherent, but so were my first 4 days in Sofia. I had a lot of fun strolling around, trying to get an overview of the city & my job. I’m overwhelmed but still happy & excited to get to know more about the city, the country (and the Bulgarian language…)

(Sounds of my first week in Sofia)


approaching Sofia – what a sight!


passing Alexander Nevsky Cathedral on my daily way to work

passing Alexander Nevsky Cathedral on my daily way to work

NDK - National Culture Palace where I attended the first press conference - completely in Bulgarian. It was interesting to be there, though & I was excited to see the building from the inside

NDK – National Palace of Culture where I attended the first press conference – completely in Bulgarian. It was interesting to be there, though & I was excited to see the building from the inside

Monument to the Soviet Army I was discussing about this monument with my 2 Bulgarian flatmates. We couldn't figure out if or what the graffiti is supposed to mean. However this place is quite popular for political statements (particularly regarding Russia)

Monument to the Soviet Army
I was discussing about this monument with my 2 Bulgarian flatmates. We couldn’t figure out if or what the graffiti is supposed to mean. However this place is quite popular for political statements (particularly regarding Russia)


monument celebrating 1300 years of Bulgaria


Free Sofia Tour

street market

street market

second hand books and little market stalls on every street corner

second hand books and little market stalls on every street corner

Metrostation Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Metrostation Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

where I work

this is where I work

free Open Air Concert in Borisova Gradina Park

free Open Air Concert in Borisova Gradina Park

Open Air Cinema in Military Academy G. S. Rakovski Park

Open Air Cinema in Military Academy G. S. Rakovski Park

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